YOU Are Winning!

Every day you wake up, get out of bed, wash, dress, have breakfast and start your day --- YOU Are Winning against depression!

You are showing yourself that you WANT to feel better, that you WANT to have a good Life and that you WANT to be Happy!

And you will be --- one day very soon --- if you're not feeling that way already.

There are so many ways in which we can help ourselves, but one of the main ways is to confide in someone. A close friend, a family member, a professional therapist --- anyone you feel you can trust. Even if you can't actually speak the words you want to, write them down and show the person you confide in, (if you can draw, lucky you). Believe me, most (if not all) of us really want to help and really want the best for YOU. We want to see you smile, laugh, be happy and do well in your life. 

(If you feel you can only confide in someone who doesn't know you or your situation, click on the link "confide in someone")

Look in the mirror, who do you see? A living and beautiful (or handsome) person, who has the ability to do wonderful things. You have talents and qualities that no one else has, and we need you!!! The Earth needs YOU! It's people like you who will protect and love the very planet we live on and the very life we have today.


How To Help Ourselves

There are some marvelous articles on the internet that we can find and read and 'keep' for free. One such is the very interesting article, from the NHS, "How To Cope With Depression".
Stay In Touch
Be More Active
Face Your Fears
Don't Drink Too Much Alcohol
Try To Eat A Healthy Diet
Have A Routine
Seeking Help For Depression
are the areas covered in this article, which you can find by clicking on the links "How To Cope With Depression"
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