5 Still Alive !






When we are depressed, we very often 'loose' our senses --- as in our 5 physical senses. Our minds seem to become numb somehow and we are oblivious to the world around us, very often doing necessary things like a robot. We eat and drink because we do these things 'by habit' (if we have any appetite that is), and we just go about our day in a blur, seeing and hearing things almost  'automatic', and it's hard to remember anything sometimes about the day --- who we meet, what the bus driver said to us, what we learnt at school or college, etc, etc.

How can we help ourselves in this way?   How can we 'get back in touch' with our 5 senses, proving to ourselves that we are "still alive"?

What is your favourite  food?   Your favourite flower, perfume, scent? Your favourite 'feel'? Your favourite Music or sound? Your favourite picture or what you like to see?

Already your trying to think and remember, and when you do --- write it down in your own special journal to remind you. But think of the "nice" things because they are there, I promise you!

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