(This is an encouraging quote to Encourage all who read it, I'm planning to update this blog every few days --- enjoy a quiet read with your favourite drink --- see, already you are winning!)

A Peaceful Mind Is A Healthy Mind

"Most of the things you worry about never happen"

"Stop worrying about it! It may never happen!"

How many times have we heard this?

Our Minds seem to work overtime worrying about things that aren't actually happening.

And probably never will.

These worries are often based on something that we have heard or read but which is not actually 'real'.

Instead of wasting our valuable time and energy on something that will never 'be real', we need to "Live in the Moment"!

We need to use our valuable skills and talents on the very real "Life" that is right in front of us Today, Now.

We need to use our energy on creating that Steady Life that we all Deserve.

Let go of those unnecessary worries and Trust in your own Abilities and Strengths.

Peace and Contentment will be ours, Today and Tomorrow.

A Peaceful Mind is a Healthy Mind.


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