You are Special!   You are Unique!   You are Beautiful!   You are Natural!   You are Alive!

It doesn't matter what is being thrown at you, no one can change the very real fact that You Are Special!

No one else on this planet Earth has got your very Unique qualities and personality. You need to remember this, because You Are Unique!

We don't always 'see' ourselves as Beautiful when we look in the physical mirror, but inwards, inside of us, we are very Beautiful. You Are Beautiful!

There is nothing false about you. You Are Natural!

The very fact that you are reading this, today, proves that You Are Alive!

5 points that prove that YOU are a very Important individual and that society needs you.

See --- already you have won against depression because you are reading this, today, and hopefully feeling a little better.

I've set up this website because so many of us suffer from depression, in many differing ways, and it is a 24 hour struggle for many of us. Yes, we are now learning much more about Mental Health and how so many different things can affect our minds. It is my wish that somewhere, here, amongst the few pages and information presented, you will find the help and support that you need. We can help ourselves but there is professional help available, and I am in no way a specialized doctor of any kind. I just know what depression is and how much of a fight it is, a constant fight that can make us feel so tired. I really hope that you are helped in some way by being here and by reading these few pages of help and information.


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